Aparadh Tattwa by Panchanan Ghoshal PDF

Aparadh Tattwa by Panchanan Ghoshal Bengali Book PDF.

Book – Aparadh Tattwa (Criminology),
Author – Panchanan Ghoshal,
Genre – Bengali Story Book (Criminology),
Format – PDF,
Book Pages – 562,
PDF Size – 18 MB,

Aparadh Tattwa written by Panchanan Ghoshal

Panchanan Ghoshal wrote the story book Aparadh Tattwa.

Theories of Crime:

Author Panchanan Ghoshal has written the book Aparadh Tatta. Author Panchanan Ghoshal produced eight volumes of (Aparadha Vigyan) Criminology in succession from 1940 AD. But after a long interval, so many researchers on criminology were conducted in the world. He also did a lot of useful research in his own field of criminology. Thereby several new theories of criminology were established in the world. The author’s earlier books had many incomplete subjects.

Who wrote the Criminology book Aparadh Tattwa?

For the above reasons author Panchanan Ghoshal felt the need to write a separate book on contemporary criminology. In the present psychological treatise ‘Theories of Crime’, he has added a lot of completely new information in the light of the latest research. As a result, its size has increased four times than before. The present book is therefore a new book of completely modified and expanded dance styles.

The author has deleted some of the previous topics and added completely new topics. Juvenile criminal, adulterous crimes and their causes and treatment methods, knowledge related to brainwashing in the treatment of political and other criminals and also modern research found in HEBD have been added to it. It was the first to provide a detailed account of elite white-collar crime.

It also specializes in the mention of sexual and non-sexual lewdness incidents related to many crimes. Every question of life is answered in this book. By reading this book, citizens will be safe by understanding the rules of self-defense. There is no second such book in Indian or European languages. Students of anthropology, psychology, linguistics and sociology will benefit from reading the book as well as the general public. Needless to say, this book is a complete dance book on criminality and its treatment. Many subjects of this book are completely separate, and it is prepared as a textbook in view of new research.

What is the role of criminology?

Some of the various aspects of the crime are highlighted in a special and analytical account on this book. Readers can collect all those from this book. Our main objective is how criminals become integrated with their criminal world, and the tendency to crime continues to grow. The PDF file of the story book Aparadh Tattwa has been provided on this webpage in order to be aware of all the issues and in order to alert the readers. Readers will be able to collect the PDF file of the story book Aparadh-Tattwa from this webpage and read it online.

The PDF file of Aparadh-Tattwa (Criminology) story book of Panchanan Ghoshal.

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