Shishurog Chikitsa by Surendranath Ghosh Bengali Book PDF
Book – Shishurog Chikitsa (Pediatric Medicine),
Author – Surendranath Ghosh,
Language – Bengali,
Genre – Medical Books,
Book Format – PDF,
PDF Size – 17 MB,
Dr. Surendranath Ghosh wrote the medical book Shishurog Chikitsha pdf.
The book Shishurog Chikitsha (Pediatric Medicine) is written by author Surendranath Ghosh. It is a medical treatise. Homeopathy treatment is generally considered to be very useful for children. However, this does not prove that homeopathic treatment is not effective for the elderly. Competent physicians experienced in homeopathy have demonstrated the superiority of homeopathy in treating male and female patients of any age.
Treating children is as easy as it is difficult. In the simple-holy face of children, the symptoms of the disease are clearly manifested, but in the case of adults, it is often not the case. Moreover, in many cases in the elderly, the disease is difficult and due to poor treatment, the normal symptoms are suppressed. It complicates treatment, which is not the case in children.
How effective is homeopathy treatment?
Due to the above reasons, although the treatment of children is easy, the responsibility of doctors is endless. Children cannot express symptoms in their own words. Nurses should treat based on what can be understood from the description of the disease, family history, observation, contacts, etc. Therefore, it is just as ironic for a doctor to intervene in a child’s treatment if he or she is not well-versed in the properties of the medicine and its application rules, just as it is a sign of irresponsibility on the part of the child’s guardian.
Most of the books available in Bengali on pediatrics do not provide a comprehensive discussion of the disease. However, if the disease is not correctly identified, interfering with responsible treatment is absolutely blameworthy. Many people say that there is no need to identify the disease on the part of a homeopathic doctor. Because it is enough to apply the medicine by combining the symptoms. This is a complete misconception.
What is the main idea of homeopathy?
It is true that the combination of symptoms is more valuable in homeopathic treatment, but if the disease is not properly identified, the symptoms of the disease are often not understood. Moreover, if there is no knowledge about the disease, it is not possible to advise the guardian about its spread, duration, importance and consequences. This results in interruptions in treatment due to lack of appropriate information and warnings about good care. In many cases the guardians do not take the patient to him or dare to seek treatment due to lack of proper knowledge of the doctor.
The author has long been a practitioner of medicine and has undertaken thousands of treatments. Moreover, he has taught pediatrics in several homeopathic educational institutions. As a result, he has discussed in detail in this book all the topics that require special attention of students in pediatrics.
Pediatric Medicine:
In the treatment of each disease, disease identification, i.e. disease theory, symptoms, types, differentiation with similar diseases, prevalence and consequences, selection of medicine according to symptoms and its order, ancillary treatment and medicine and food have been discussed in detail. He mentions in this book the details of some medical patients in which special consideration is required in diagnosis and selection of medicine.
What kind of medicine is homeopathy?
Child food selection is an essential matter for the doctor. Children’s diseases like rickets, marasmus, scurvy etc. are caused by lack of proper food in most places. Moreover, in the case of other diseases that children develop, the fault-errors of choosing the right food from childhood are partly responsible. That is why the author has discussed extensively about the food and care of children in the last part of this book. A close local friend of his, Dr. Amarnath Chattopadhyay, a well-known doctor of Chuchura and a specialist in pediatrics, has greatly assisted him in preparing this book. A number of articles from this book were serially published in the ‘Mat’-edited monthly magazine “Hahnemann Prakashika”.
What is homeopathy in simple terms?
The author has taken the help of some eminent persons in publishing this medical book on Pediatrics, among them are –
Practice of Medicine written by A. C. Cowperthwaite.
Materia Medica and Therapeutics by A. C. Cowperthwaite.
Materia Medica with Repertory written by William Boericke.
Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics written by W. A. Dewey.
Dictionary of America written by J. H. Clarke.
A system of Clinical Medicine written by T. D. Savill.
Physiological Materia Medica written by WH burt.
Lectures of Diseases of Children written by Robert llutachinsons.
Diseases of Infancy and Childhood written by Louis fischer.
The science of Therapeutics by B. Bachr.
Diseases of Children written by Testy.
Practice of Medicine written by P. Jousset.
Practice of Medicine written by H. R. Arndt.
Homeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhoea Dysentery etc written by j. B. Bell.
Diseases of Infancy and Childhood written by T. C. Duncan.
Chikitsa Prakash, Calcutta Journal of Medicine.
Diseases of Children written by Raue C. S.
What are the benefits of homeopathy?
From the books of the above mentioned libraries, he has recorded the details of new and known information about various diseases in his written book. He has included in this book whatever new discoveries he has made from all these books. It is the author’s hope that the medical book will help students and practitioners in the field of medical information and treatment.
So the pdf file of the medical book is provided on this web page for students and doctors. Readers students and doctors can collect the pdf file of the Pediatric Medicine medical book from this webpage and read it online.
Shishurog Chikitsha (Pediatric Medicine) Medical Books PDF