Banglar Bir by Chandrakanta Dutta Bengali Novel PDF.
Book – Banglar Bir (Veer),
Author – Chandrakanta Dutta,
Genre – Bengali novel Book,
Book Format – PDF,
Book Pages – 283,
PDf Size – 7 MB,
Chandrakanta Dutta wrote the novel Banglar Bir.
The famous novel Banglar Bir was written by writer Chandrakanta Dutta. Chandrakant Dutta is a prominent poet of Bengali literature. He has beautifully analyzed the world in his famous book, Were Bengalis Really Heroes? Many people are conflicted about whether the Bengalis were really thought of as cowards. Are Bengalis really cowards or have they ever entered the war and got the status of heroes. We hardly find any such significant information about Bengalis. The author has discussed in detail about the frustration and patience of Bengalis in his book This Bengali.
Bengalis are present all over the world today. In different countries, intelligence is associated with dignity in various organizations. Many people have brightened the face of Bengalis today in science and literature. Whom the writer has described in detail in this book.
Who wrote the bengali novel Banglar Bir?
One hears various negative language about Bengalis such as Bengalis are always timid, weak, unable to defend themselves and always lazy. Besides, the Bengalis were war unlike, always timid and homely. There is nothing like the former glory. And when they hear about the battle or the war march, they go into the house etc. If you hear that, the sense of pride about Bengalis is far away, there is nothing to say or do anything about them.
Bengalis have nothing to be proud of. The author has a completely different idea about Bengalis. The mindset of Bengalis has changed in the modern era, Bengalis have changed a lot and are trying tirelessly to regain their green glory by competing with people of other races and religions in different countries around the world. The author of this book has mentioned in detail the stories of the efforts of the Bengalis.
Today, Bengalis are recognized all over the world in warfare, naval science, foreign trade, inter-trade, state administration, art, knowledge and religious discourse. Today, Bengalis have occupied a special place in science and research all over the world. A leading role is observed in literary works. Those who are slanderous about Bengalis should know that thousands of years ago, the military strength of Bengalis can be found in the era of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Who was Chandrakanta Dutta?
Moreover, there are various descriptions of the military strength of Bengalis in the historical period. Bengalis have always been averse to promoting themselves and promoting their fame so their words or stories of annoyance are nowhere to be found. Even then we notice that Bengalis had a special place everywhere in Bangladesh during the reign of the Pal and Sen kings. Even in the Mughal era we see the heroic stories of Bengalis. During this period, the Bengalis participated immensely in warfare and trade. History of Bengal We have noticed many works on this topic in the book History of Bengal written by Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay.
Who is Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay?
So the author Chandrakanta Dutta has written this novel book about various Bengali heroes and famous people in his book. The Banglar Bir novel will be accepted as a special book by the readers. It is no doubt a special book to know well about Bengalis. So the pdf file of this book is provided on this web page for the readers, readers can collect the pdf file of the novel book from this webpage and can read it online.